DJM and schools

Over the last 28 years DJM has designed a number of schools in Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony.

Manufacturing costs currently run to approx. €13,4 million.

Plans have been drawn up for the following areas (new, redesigned buildings and refurbishment):

  • Entrance areas
  • Classrooms
  • Chemistry and physics labs incl. furnishings
  • Assembly halls
  • Routes
  • Gymnasiums and up to four pitches
  • Outside facilities

and much more.

Interested? Why not contact us today?

DJM-Logo general brochure
The general brochure is available here for downloading.
DJM-Logo brochure hospitals
The brochure hospitals is available here for downloading.
Cert-Logo certificates
Our Certificates from the Handelskammer Hamburg.