
28 years of experience in planning of technical building equipment 

If you need a service provider for the implementation of building services for a specific project, you need to be able to depend first and foremost on the experience and expertise of the company. The increasingly elevated demands and stricter requirements imposed upon building infrastructure are making modern building services more and more complex, demanding greater expertise in each of the fields of building services engineering.


We take care of you ...

With our team of experts, comprising graduate engineers in the fields of electrical engineering and building services engineering, committed technicians and engineering draftspeople, we have over 28 years of experience in the planning of building engineering.

16 Jahre DJM

Our References

The management has experience in the planning of buildings since 35 years.

Over the Last 28 Years DJM has designed a number of different types of buildings throughout Germany.

We will almost certainly already be familiar with your building project.

DJM-Logo general brochure
The general brochure is available here for downloading.
DJM-Logo brochure hospitals
The brochure hospitals is available here for downloading.
Cert-Logo certificates
Our Certificates from the Handelskammer Hamburg.